The healing properties of music to human’s health

From Mr. Athanasio Dritsas, cardiologist at Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center, composerand researcher.
About 200 years ago, W.A. Mozart didn’t realize how prophetic it would be for the future of music therapy when at his opera the Magic Flute was putting music to the words of Tamino who would use the power of the lumen to release his beloved: “Wie stark ist nicht dein Zauberton weil, holde flote, durch dein spielen selbst wilde tierre freude fulhen“ which in simple translation from German means : How big is your magic force my flute! Even wild beasts arrive around with joy … The composer of the magic Lumen if he lived today would not have believed in his eyes, if he found the music applications in medical science at the dawn of the 21st century.