Informative discussion on Cretan television about headaches and migraine

Watch the informative discussion about headaches and migraine, with Coordinatorthe journalist Evi Ntelidaki. The discussion involved the doctor, neurologist specialist(MD, MSc Neurosciences) George Spanakis. Also participating physicians withspecialty neurologist and an anesthesiologist and nutritionist, psychologist andgymnast, in a holistic approach.
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The headache is a very common symptom—all people at some point in their lives will feel. The occasional headache passes quickly and does not return. In a class ofpatients, the headache is frequent and has a specific standard, IE. the patient knowswell headache, because it occurs frequently and in a stable manner.
Generally, a headache is considered suspect when it starts abruptly (like a flap) oraccompanied by vomiting, high fever, nuchal rigidity, confusion, a neurological deficiti.e. weakness in the arm or leg, difficulty speaking, etc. In each case a patient withheadache must be examined by a specialist Neurologist
Migraine treated with especially, younger generation drugs that grants the neurologist.
One of the most frequent reasons that nowadays people tormented by headaches, isthe abuse of various drugs and especially analgesics